Thursday, February 28, 2013

Training Day #3 and #4

Day #3 was supposed to be a two mile run or cross train and I TOTALLY intended on making that happen....and then life got in the way so I am using it as my rest day this week.
Day #4 is a 3 mile run and strength train....I DID BOTH! I ran three miles and then taught body pump :)

This is yours truly before teaching class right after I finished my run. Group fitness classes are so motivational! Teaching them is like a natural high or adrenaline rush for me. My favorite track in class in the back track - love it!

As all of us know but maybe wouldn't care to admit (hehe) our habits in the kitchen can SERIOUSLY effect our progress and results. Trust me when I say that I wish I could eat whatever I want. I love fried food, ice cream, pizza, and beer...but I have learned to accept this FACT:

Even if your goal isn't to lose weight...providing your body with the nutrition it needs is absolutely necessary if you want to see progress. There are tons of ways to eat healthy/clean that taste delicious! Maybe I will do a post about clean eating and share some of my inspirations :) Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Training Day #2

I am posting this a few days late but my training day #2 workout (the schedule says it needs to be a stretch and strength day) was a body pump class. I just so happen to be a body pump instructor so I can easily work strength training into my schedule. I HIGHLY recommend this class to anyone (especially women) who need to incorporate strength training into thier workouts. I lost 20 pounds by taking body pump 2-3 times a week and eating right. It keeps me in the best shape I have ever been in and I LOVE feeling strong! Here is a link to the les mills body pump website:
This is me after class with one my participants. She is also training for her first 10k in May!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Training Day #1 - what the heck am I doing?

Hi there! :) I am writing this blog to track my journey to training for my first half marathon.
Last year in May I ran my first 5k and 10k - I had a blast. Now I want to really challenge myself. I am one of those people who used to think running a mile is the hardest thing ever - seriously ever. I love how far I have come and how amazing it is to see what my body can do. It's not often that I get nervous about a goal. This is going to be a challenge but I want to move forward in life - I want to push myself, make myself better. I cannot wait to cross the finish line of the race this year and know that I just ran 13.1 miles!
Here is the training plan I have decided to follow:
I have also decided to take some pictures of myself so that I can see the physical changes in my body throughout my training. Currently I weigh 147 pounds, not sure on my body fat %.
I will share those pictures with everyone at the end of my training. I'm not so sure about putting pictures of myself in my bikini online right now :)
Like I said, I do have a little but of running experience. Today 2.24.13 (it's Sunday) was my first day of running and I started with 3 miles on the treadmill. Here are my stats!
The first 6 minutes of this was my warm up and the last 2-3 were my cool down. I am not a fast runner, that's ok though. I am doing this to finish not to be the fastest.
I also completed an abdominal curcuit three times after my run - whoop whoop!