Sunday, May 19, 2013

Race Day!

Race day has come and gone and I am so excited to share all of the details!
This post might be a little lengthy because I will be sharing everything from the 24 hours before the race to me crossing the finish line.
Friday was prep day. Fargo holds a running exposition where all of the runners (I get to call myself a runner!) go to pick up their packets. I went along with my training friend where I was FINALLY able to get a picture with her.
My training would not have been as successful as it was without her. This was Anneli's third half marathon and I am so thankful that she helped coach me through my training.

Here I am at the expo - all of the runners were able to take these silly pictures.
These are my "good luck, please don't die" flowers from my mom. She was pretty worried that my heart wasn't going to make it through the race. I love you mom!
5-18-2013 = Race Day
4:50 AM - I wake to the sound of my alarm and rain tapping my roof. I'm excited and nervous. Time to start getting ready for my big day. First on the list? Coffee and  race inspiration.

"The journey to success is not for the impatient...there are no will need to invest time wisely by engaging in "deliberate" practice - practice that focuses on tasks beyond your current level of competence and comfort. You will need a well informed coach not only to guide you through deliberate practice but also help you learn how to coach yourself. " I love this quote! Training for this race has taught me a life long lesson.  Acknowledge your dreams, make a plan, set your mind on the prize, and don't look back. It might get hard, it may feel like you will never get there, but before you know it you will be crossing the finish line.
 5:30 AM = go time.
 Fresh breath: check
Husband cheerleader: check

My husband has been truly amazing through this entire process. Training for something like this is very time consuming. He has been so supportive, I cannot thank him enough. He put up with me getting home late, leaving early on weekends to do long runs, all time that we could have been spending together. He put up with me complaining, being tired and sore, and he cooked a whole lot for me. Basically I am eternally in debt to him for being so amazing to me. Thanks baby!

7:15 AM (after making it through crazy traffic, braking a few laws,
and probably pissing a punch of people off) - race line up.

Brent took this just before I weaved my way into the crowd of 6000 people lined up for this event.

7:30 AM - Gun start, time to put my body to the test. Let's race!
Crossing the start line.

My race strategy:
My biggest concern was starting the race at a good pace. Imagine yourself surrounded by 6,000 people, amazing energy, your blood is pumping, you've been waiting for this day for three months. #1 mistake is to start too fast. Luckily, there are people in the line up called "pacers". They are placed in the race to run at a certain pace depending on your goal finish time. I located the 2 hours and 10 minute pace group and started there. After a few miles I realized that I could probably go a little faster so I ran ahead and used the group as a gage my whole race. I knew I was keeping a steady pace as long I was in front of them and my heart rate wasn't rising too quickly.

This picture was taken around mile three. My husband met me four different times during the race with our dogs. It was so fun having them there! Here I ran to him up to him for a kiss and kept going :)

This is Leonidas, he was helping cheer on all of the runners too!

!0:30ish AM - I am crossing the finish line with a time of 2 hours 7 minutes and 29 seconds.

How did it go? IT WAS AWESOME! Mile 9 was the hardest. I developed a terrible cramp in my right hip flexor that was pretty painful. I forced myself to run through it and it eventually subsided after about a half of a mile. ultiple times during the race I found myself feeling a little emotional. It is so inspiring to look around you and see so many people coming together for the same purpose. I didn't put my headphones in one time during the entire race. I was having so much fun listening to all of the runners around me I didn't need them! 
Here are a few miscellaneous race pictures:

Thank you so much for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed my posts. I had a great time putting them together :) This journey has been so great and I hope that all of you out there are inspired to do anything your heart desires. If I can do it so can you!



Sunday, May 12, 2013

I Can See the Finish Line - Week # 11

Hi there! I hope that this post finds you doing well and accomplishing all of your fitness goals. I have reached the end of week # 11 and I am feeling totally inspired and pumped for my race next weekend.
Since the beginning of this training journey I have kept my training schedule posted in my office right next to my computer. Every time I go into the room I am reminded of my goals. I know myself, and all of this has been a mental game. I'm so glad I kept the schedule posted because now I get to look at it and see how much work I've done since February 25th. It's been so satisfying to get to check off my workouts when they are done.
(I took this picture before my long run this week)
For those of you who don't know, I live in Minnesota. It's been a llloooonnnnnggggggg hard winter. I am so appreciative that I get to FINALLY be outdoors! In honor of the nice weather this week I asked my husband to drive me 4 miles into the country and leave me there so I could run home. Minnesota truly is one of the prettiest states I have ever seen - here was part of my view on the run home.
This is me just after getting home - wanna hear a ridiculous story? Ask me how I got that tire sometime.

Short run stats pictured below:
This was probably the most challenging short run Ive had yet because I ran in the heat. My heart rate was crazy high the entire time! Hopefully facing all of the elements will have me prepared for any condition come race day.
I also included some turbo fire (whoop whoop) in my workouts this week. I LOVE this workout. I did HIIT (high intensity interval training) 20 this week. Basically what that means is in 20 minutes I did 6 HIIT drills 45 seconds each. Fast workout to smash a lot of calories!

I can't leave out the long run details! :) I keep forgetting to take pictures after my long runs so this is my only proof that it happened. 10 miles was the goal this week. My body was feeling a little off but I got it done.

I cannot believe I have reached my last training week. I am so proud of myself and hope that I am inspiring others to set a goal, make a plan, and rock it!
Week 12 here I come....

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weeks 9 & 10

Now sure how two weeks have passed since I updated this but
Although I was silent, I was training hard and making some major progress...
Wanna see? :)
Where do I start? First of all I got a new toy! Have you ever wanted a heart rate monitor? I have been oogling over one for a few months so I broke down and bought one. It's so cool!
This is the Polar FT40 model. I bought it because I wanted to know how many calories I am actually burning. It also has a really cool feature that will tell you if your workout is improving your fitness or your fat loss.
As most of you know, I am a body pump instructor. I have heard all of these stats about being able to burn anywhere from 600-800 calories during a body pump class. This is where I came in:
Say what??? 561 calories in a strength training class - yet another reason that I love body pump!
Ok ok enough about that, let's get down to running business. I tried a few new things these past few weeks. I was finding that my short runs were boring so I needed to switch it up. I decided to try some drills on the treadmill to increase my ENDURANCE. How did you do that Liz? Oh let me show you...
(Note fancy littel graph in middle of picture below)
What you are viewing is 53 minutes of hills and sprints! I know it sounds torturous but it made the time fly. I did 1/4 of a mile on a 5-8% incline, sprinted 1/2, and then walked 1/4 (ish) for my heart rate to recover. Do that five times = short run murdered.
I also decided to move some of my running adventures to the outdoors. I brought one of my dogs along with me one day:

Do you know how long I have been wanting to post pictures of my dogs in this blog?! It's been killing me not to photo bomb my posts with pictures of them. This is Leon, he's a total momma's boy and a hunk (obviously).
Alright, onto the juicy details. My LLLOOOOONNNNNGGGG runs (and oh so very long they were).
Long run #1 (first outdoor long run) = 10 miles of hell!
Wanna know the sad part? I have no proof. This was the most grueling, awful, pain staking run I have had yet. It was absolutely terrible. Get it? The best way I can describe it is feeling like I was running with bricks tied to my feet. Ugg! I think I was so wrapped up in how miserable I was feeling that I completely forgot to take a picture when I was done.
Long run #2 = 12 MILES
Yep, you heard me. 12 effing miles. This run was much more successful than my first long run outside. I was feeling pretty terrible for the last few miles, body was in robot mode, but it was awesome! I wasn't going to let this milestone training moment pass without lots of pictures....

 Yeah I finished! I like the one furthest to the right because it shows how I wasn't able to stand correctly due to the fact that I couldn't feel my lower body. I saved the best for last:

This is what I like to call my running hair. I earned it! Check out the frizzzzz. Thanks for reading. I can't believe I'm almost there! If you're out their training, good luck and keep up the hard work - it is totally worth it!