When I was in high school I did track - but I HATED long distances. I was a sprinter, running a mile was literally torture for me. Now I'm running 9 miles?! I haven't always been so great about following through with things. Setting a goal and watching it come to light so rewarding.
Other than increasing my pace, mileage, and endurance I am also getting to see some really cool changes in my body. I am losing inches all over, my clothes are fitting better, I feel awesome.
This picture was taken during the cool down so you can ignore the time and speed (that would be a slllooowwww run) but look at the miles - YEAH!
I would also like to share something that is a bit off topic. With everything happening around the world this week - bombings, earthquakes, explosions, and tension between countries I really feel to share something: we need to fixate our focus on the good! Focus on the positive, remember that all of us have it within our souls to change the world.
Live life from your heart - take time to understand what your heart and soul desire and then go out and make it happen - the universe rewards us for being who we are meant to be.
Thanks for reading, have a great week, I hope you demolish and accomplish! :)